Saturday, February 13, 2010

Struck by the master hand

This Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed late and decided that my free time would best be spent playing some Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Really, I need practice. I talk a pretty big game and, let's face it, I suck when I'm challenged. Usually horribly (depending upon the opponent, most often a well-practiced male.)

My character of choice is Kirby. I was once told that this character is for chicks who don't really know how to play the game. This reminded me of the time I was told my choice of undergrad major, psychology, is a major for people who don't know what they want to do with their lives. Both of these statements ring true, to an extent. Screw you. I am figuring out what I am doing with my life and I can learn how to play this game with Kirby.

Anyway, this morning I cleared 11 stages. I cannot conquer the Master Hand. First, it's introduction is intimidating. Second, turning into a rock, hitting it with a hammer, and slashing it with a sword don't even injur the damn thing. And, I cannot seem to escape when it's crushing me in a fist or flicking me off the side of the platform. How do I beat this? Really. Comments of advice would be helpful and most appreciated here.

Despite my consistent failure and frustration battling the Master Hand, I am still trying. I want to find a way to beat it.

I noticed that my initial instinct, after the first battle began, was to run away and avoid contact at all cost. It struck me (before the Master Hand did) that this is often how I approach scary things in my life. I run. I avoid. I shouldn't. How am I going to overcome obstacles in my life this way and get anything that I want? How am I going to beat the Master Hand?

And fuck. I can figure out my life and I can learn how to really play this game with Kirby. I just need to stop running away.

Oh, self-awareness. Who knew I could experience such playing an insignificant video game?


  1. Love love love this entry and love that you're playing this game! First, Kirby can copy the abilities of enemies, making him extremely adaptable. He can float and jump like 5 times, making him hard to kill and very nimble in the air. We need to hang out and play this game SOON.

    The Master Hand's health goes down every time you hit him. He doesn't get knocked around, but watch and you'll see his health go down slowly. Just keep hitting him. Even when it seems that you're making no progress, just keep beating the tar out of him with the hammer. This advice also applies to life: use your adaptability and change to fit your situation, be agile and float around, and even when it seems you're not making any progress, keep beating the living daylights out of your goal with your hammer (metaphorically speaking).

  2. I KNEW you would be the one to help me out, haha.

    I should have known your advice would come with deep, metaphorical insight too, my sage friend :) Though, I would prefer to have an actual hammer rather than a metaphorical one to beat down life's problems!
